Feb 14, 2009

Our Valentine's Day trip to the snow

Feb 10, 2009

Lilia's 1st birthday party

Our tradition is to let our kids have their own birthday cake to dig into when they turn 1. The expectation is that the child will just go wild and start stuffing their face. That has yet to happen at our house. I remember with Ali I had made a chocolate cake and she thought it was dirt. Anyone who knew Ali at that age, knew that she did not like to get dirty. She started to scream and tried to shake off the cake. So, one of the children in attendance (Brooklyn Benson) ate the cake for her.

This time I made the mistake of covering Lily's cake with sprinkles. So, she spent about 10 minutes just trying to pick off and eat every sprinkle.

Her brother and sisters were more than happy to help her eat her cake.

Feb 9, 2009

"My Goal"

I am letting you all know that after a year and a half break, I am back on the workout wagon. Hip, Hip Hooray! Nothing is going to stop me now. I had to include these two pictures because they are the only ones that show the smallest I have ever been. I know that size doesn't matter, but feeling good does. I was on top of the world in these pictures. I was working out 3-4 times a week and I felt great.

I have been meaning to start working out since I had Lilia (she is a year old now). I just kept having excuse after excuse as to why I couldn't do it.

Then, came my inspiration..........

Many family and friends of my sister-in-law Ginger are going to run "The Great Race" in her honor. This is the same race that Ginger ran in last year. Most of the family are running the 5K portion. I decided that I couldn't very well run a 5K without any training. So, I started last Tuesday at 4:30 AM. That's right, you read it right, AM. The time that I have to workout might give you all some perspective as to why I have been dreading getting back to it.
I thought that the first day after not working out for a year and a half would be pretty grueling, but I made it through. There was one point where I thought "Why am I doing this to myself? I can just stop right now and no one will know." Then I pictured Ginger cheering me on and I knew that I could go on. I am grateful for Ginger's cheering on in so many instances in all of our lives. I will run this 5K race and when I feel like I can run no more, I will remember who it is that I am running for and her strength will pull me through.

This morning was the 4th time that I have worked out and I ran two miles and walked one and I am still alive to blog about it. In an excerpt from Ginger's blog about her great race time she said, "I knew I could do it." Those words will continue to ring through my head as I train for this race. "I can do it!"