Lately, Kandrea has become a very strong willed little girl. If anyone in the house even looks at her a way that she doesn't like, she screams her head off. One moment there is quiet, the next you moment you would think someone had ripped a chunk of her hair out. We have been trying for some time now to curtail this behavior. At first, we used baking soda and when she began to like that (Yuck!) we resorted to using soap. Soap worked for about a week, then we moved to the squirt bottle (Trevor's personal favorite). I am not sure that ever worked. Needless to say, we have tried everything we can think of. She just jumps off of her timeouts over and over again. Lately, I have even spanked her and it doesn't seem to phase her much at all, within minutes she is being naughty again. Apparently she is only this angelic for us. I asked my friend Lucinda, who keeps Kandrea two half days a week, how Kandrea behaves at her house. She told me that she is always so even keel and that she plays wonderfully with all of the little girls. She is always willing to share her toys and her puzzles with everyone. She said that Kandrea never raises her voice or does anything mean. I guess I should be grateful for this blessing, but I am left wishing she acted that way at home too.
I do have a story to share, I just have to give you some background to the situation so that you will still love me after you hear what I did. The other day, Kandrea was especially rotten. Let's see, after I told her no to one of her questions, she screamed at me and then I proceeded to put her on a timeout for the next 20 minutes. She got off every 20 seconds or so. I forgot to mention that while this was going on, I kept having to put Lily down on the ground in order to place Kandrea back on her timeout and Lily was screaming her head off. Finally, I gave up and I put Kandrea in her bed. In my head, I was trying to figure out what I was going to do with her the next time we had an issue. The first thought that I had was to put her in a cold shower, but I quickly realized that that was a little harsh. The next thought, the swimming pool....Within 4 minutes, Kandrea threw the straw the broke this camel's back. I whisked her up and we quickly walked out to the pool. I dunked her right in up to her belly button, jeans, long shirt and all and then I placed her on a chair outside and I told her to stay there. I walked in the house and I informed Trevor of what I had just done and I walked out the garage door to pick Heidi up from the bus. I texted Trevor to ask how Kandrea was doing and he said that she was still sitting very still in the chair outside. When I got home (10 minutes later) I went outside and I explained to Kandrea that she cannot keep behaving this way. She agreed and said that she was sorry. So, I said let's go get you some new clothes, she said "Yeah, I am a little wet." Inside her room, I told her that she needed to behave. I said "I do not want to spank you anymore." Her reply, "Why Mommy, does your hand hurt?"
If you all want to start a vote, I am sure that my actions will earn me the Mom of the Year Award for that one. Don't tell too many people about this experience though, the last thing I need is Oprah knocking down my door!
Thanks, Grammie and Grampa!
This was early on. They now have them pulling long stacks of trains.
11 years ago
Nat, I thought that was great! I've definitely had days like that, I can assure you. It sounds like she kind of got the point... at least for half an hour, right?
By the way, Kaden HAS had 2 cold showers in his life... and he certainly didn't like them! But sometimes...
You ARE a great Mom, Nat!
That's hilarious, Nat! Now, just imagine 23 four years olds.... That's my job every weekday. Good times!
I can see myself in a similar situation saying, "Use your words..." And them telling them what they could say instead to screaming or throwing a temper tantrum.
I think I needed someone to tell me that as a kid! All I ever did was cry, right Trevs?
Just tell Kandrea next time that you are going to put her in a box and ship her to Kentucky. I'll take her off of your hands for a month or so... In fact, you can send all of the kids. I'd love it!
Oh Nat, there is hope! I know it is a HUGE challenge raising a strong willed child, (as we have lived through it!) but that attribute really is a gift (once it's channeled in the right direction, which comes with time). Being raised by you and Trev, she will be a firm believer in all that is right, and will stand strong not to deviate. You will admire that strong will... someday. :) Keep being that Best Mom.
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